by Peter Longmore | Dec 9, 2024 | Uncategorized
Monaco is tiny. Just 2.1 square kilometers. Yet, it is famous worldwide for its luxury and wealth. Imagine a place where the rich and famous gather. Monaco is that place. Why? Low taxes, sunny weather, and unmatched safety. Let me take you inside one of its gems: the...
by Peter Longmore | Nov 21, 2024 | Uncategorized
The True Purpose of Beneficial Ownership Registers: A Tool for Taxation and Wealth Confiscation? Introduction In recent years, Registers of Beneficial Owners (RBOs) have been globally implemented amid claims that they aim to curb money laundering, terrorism financing,...
by Peter Longmore | Dec 10, 2022 | Asset Protection
Cook Island Trusts are a special vehicle used to protect assets from litigation. Cook Island Trusts have been used successfully for years to shield the wealth of the rich from predators. cook island trusts and their uses The Cook Islands are a group of 15 small...
by Peter Longmore | Nov 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Isle of Man companies offer no corporation tax and privacy An Isle of Man company can offer many benefits. As an English speaking jurisdiction, it has a fast and efficient company registry. The Isle of Man company can offer similar benefits to companies formed in...
by Peter Longmore | May 31, 2022 | Residency Overseas
Use This Cheap and Easy Method to Get Instant EU Residency Now! It’s unusual for a new tax-free EU residency permit to be introduced nowadays. Most EU countries have high taxes and they’re very bureaucratic. Yes, you can apply for residency in a tax haven like...